Thomas Jefferson once said that it is the American people's responsibility to revolt at least once every generation. He believed that the needs of men, or in other words the desires of the public superseded any desire of the men elected to lead them. Politicians should live in fear of their constituents, serving them knowing full well that at a whim they could have an uprising on their hands. The Second Amendment was put into place, to ensure just that those elected to govern did so properly and righteously. Today, we have become so complacent that our leaders often feel they are above the American people. Not only that, they treat those that dont agree with them as enemies (these words have been used on both sides of the political spectrum). They dont take the American people seriously. If you would, I would like you to analyze the above picture for just a second.
Does this honestly seem like a man who really cares about the American people, or just for his vain glory? He is a man that worships at the throne of Obamamania when he arises in the morning, and reacts as if somebody has butchered a starving baby every-time they criticize or disagree with him. It would be interesting to see just what would happen if this man were to stand before parliament as Prime Minister. They would have him in tears in a matter of minutes. What ever happened to our leaders being tough, decisive and classy? Lets bring back the days of Theodore Roosevelt and George Washington. What we need is a man in the White House, not a pampered baby.