Thursday, February 24, 2011

Manly contests of the week: Cheney vs Stalin...

I dont know what I would rather have, a waterboard bath or freezing to death in a Russian Gouloge. Honestly, Stalin was an evil man, Cheney just damn clever. This is a contest of braun vs. braun, though both were notorius schemers. Upon further review, I have to go with Cheney, this is man who literally almost doesnt have a heart (or not a functioning one at least),Stalin died in a pool of his own vomit. True Stalin killed more people, but I doubt this tyrannt had the ability to shoot somebody in the face with bird shot...then have the recipient apologize for being shot. Through and through, true blue American Cheney takes the cake!

1 comment:

  1. you need to remember that Stalin Chased down and killed anyone who oppressed him or anyone he feared would take his place aka Trotsky and several others. That should give him some cool points.
